The Digital Performance Artist | Intro (Course Sample)

The Digital Performance Artist: How to Create an Online Presence that Inspires the World and Rewards you Financially (Without Selling Your Soul)

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/flowmayhem
FB: https://www.facebook.com/Mayhemfireflow
TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8Cfn5aq/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/flowmayhem

For questions, please email me at flowmayhem@gmail.com

Overview of Chapters

Chapter 1: Face Your Fear

We are going to talk about some common emotional distress that most of us go through during the beginning of this journey, and how to cultivate the best mindset to ensure the highest level of productivity and happiness. We will go over some quick exercises that will help us push past our fear and motivate us to commit to our direction. This chapter is optional if you do not feel any fear about your process or direction. This chapter is crucial if you have even the slightest hesitation about any of the steps you will be taking during this course.

Chapter 2: Define Your Brand

We are going to figure out who we really want to be in the online world, and how to express the best, most authentic version of ourselves through digital content. I will start by explaining a little bit about what has worked best for me. This section is optional because some performance artists have a very different brand and niche from mine. In section 2, we will then go over theories designed by some of the most successful content creators in the world in order to understand what makes content “successful”. this is a crucial section, so please pay attention to it! In section 3, we will map out the puzzle pieces of our own brand. I will do the exercise with you to make sure there is no confusion.

Bonus: Authenticity Checkpoint

We will go over a series of questions that will help us determine whether the path we have outlined has real longevity. This is an optional exercise but I highly recommend it for performance artists who are unsure of their brand direction. We don’t want to have to backtrack later on.

Chapter 3: Create Your Best Content

I will break down the process of content creation and curation step by step. We will talk about how to film, how to edit, and most importantly, how to capture an audience’s attention through a performance video. We will also cover tutorials, promo videos, blogs, and a bunch of other types of content creation. In the last section for that chapter, we will go over how to choose the right platforms and social media apps to use, and how to optimize our posts.

Chapter 4: Grow Your Audience

I will map out how to grow an audience organically and authentically within the most relevant platforms. This means that we are going to locate the people who will genuinely appreciate our performance art. We will not be using tactics like following and unfollowing, buying followers, asking people to follow us as a favor, or any of other inauthentic methods. Instead, we will focus on sharing our performance art content in the places where people are most likely to actually want to see it. We will also talk about collaboration, cross-promotion, and traditional media exposure. In section 2, we will go over one of my favorite theories in the course: The Theory of a Thousand True Fans. This theory will show us how the number of followers we have is not everything, and that making a living with only a few thousand followers is totally possible.

Chapter 5: Build Your Revenue Streams

I will talk about generating revenue once we have established a strong online presence. We will talk about how to attract our ideal clients and book more live gigs. We will also talk about online revenue streams like video-licensing, affiliate-marketing, sponsorships, coaching, etc. I will talk about Patreon, and online courses, which are currently my highest streams of revenue in the online world, and are what have kept me financially stable during the insanity of covid.

PS: The Darkside Of Social Media

In the last video, I will address some of the psychological dangers of social media, and suggest some strategies to make sure we don’t get overly caught up in it.


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